
Last Post of 2006

I could sit here and do a whole "looking back at 2006" post but honestly I don't want to look back. This has been THE hardest year I have been asked to live. I don't want to RE-live it at all. I want to focus on looking ahead because this next year is a new beginning for me. I also don't plan on making a list of resolutions although I do have a few...things like sleeping in my bed lol Can you believe I have only slept in it once since I moved here 5 months ago?! My real goal is just to spend more time with the One that holds my future..I think spending time in the Word will take care of all those other "resolutions" that people make from overeating to just being a better person. It really does have ALL the answers if we just read it AND apply it:-) I guess if I could describe in one word what my goal for 2007 is it would be surrender...I want to learn to surrender ALL...all to Jesus I surrender:-)


Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

Surrender. Yes - you have got it there girl! That is one of the mian words I use to describe life with Christ. It is the goal for us all.

Prayers, love and {{{hugs}}} to you!!!! I hope this year is easier - with tons of wonderful nights of rest in your own cozy bed.

Anonymous said...

You know I think that is a wonderful goal to have for 2007 - "Surrender it All". I have said so many times that I will surrender it all, but have taking back many things I had placed at the foot of the cross. I guess I continue to be a work in progress :)...until I meet Him face-to-face.

Anonymous said...

Hi there. A theme it is indeed! :) I'm glad you stopped by my blog and led me here.