Last Post of 2006
I could sit here and do a whole "looking back at 2006" post but honestly I don't want to look back. This has been THE hardest year I have been asked to live. I don't want to RE-live it at all. I want to focus on looking ahead because this next year is a new beginning for me. I also don't plan on making a list of resolutions although I do have a few...things like sleeping in my bed lol Can you believe I have only slept in it once since I moved here 5 months ago?! My real goal is just to spend more time with the One that holds my future..I think spending time in the Word will take care of all those other "resolutions" that people make from overeating to just being a better person. It really does have ALL the answers if we just read it AND apply it:-) I guess if I could describe in one word what my goal for 2007 is it would be surrender...I want to learn to surrender ALL...all to Jesus I surrender:-)
I know I said I wasn't going to share my city with you but I changed my mind:-P This was just too good not to share....Enjoy! The Christmas message is now up Lakeside Assembly of God - Oklahoma City Church Yeah I love my church:-)
I knew the holidays would be hard but I was surprised by how hard they truly were. I think the flood of emotions surprised even me. I am not going to sit here and focus on the negative because it was hard enough to live without going into detail and bringing up all those emotions again...I DO want to share with you how blessed I have been these past few months and in sharing it with you I am hoping to lift my own spirits:-) When I moved to Oklahoma I moved here completely on faith. It was scary as heck with 3 kids but I knew that it was Gods will and I have no doubt He is blessing that obedience... Nobody that is here can deny how God has taken care of us. I mean EVERY detail. Before I moved here I had a few fears about moving so far away from everything and everyone I ever knew...there is a sense of safety being close to family kwim? My biggest fears were child support stopping, my car breaking down and what to do with my kids in the event of a medical emergency...if you know me you understand I HAVE to have a plan, a backup plan and sometimes a backup for the backup plan. Moving here meant totally relying on God and not having a plan.....talk about stepping out of my comfort zone! Still I had a peace because this IS God's will for us even if nobody understood why. In the beginning everything fell into place..I found a job and child support was still coming in but I think God wanted me to trust Him more. I had a few small tests along the way and then I had to stand up for what I believed. My soon to be ex husband quit his job and decided to relocate here. I was scared to death but I had to make a decision to believe that God was my provider...my Jehovah Jireh...not man...not my soon to be ex. I had to believe that AND make a decision that could cost me child support...and temporarily did. As you know he moved back to Florida but he was without a job for a month....Then my car that I bought right before I moved here broke down. I was scrambling to figure out what to do..I mean I CAN do some car repairs but I didn't have any tools and I knew this was something major. I was trying so hard to have faith and to trust that God had a plan..I mean REALLY hard... but this was my car...my way to work...the only transportation I have... I quoted all the scriptures and spoke the word of God to God....I prayed and prayed and then I cried. I was at a loss as to what I was going to do. I called my family and they said "let us know how that works out for you"...I felt SO alone and I think God knew and He put it on someones heart to call me right then and they reminded me that God was in control and really did have a plan. I hung up feeling better and then my church called and within minutes someone else was calling and my car was being towed. My church fixed my car, put gas in it and washed it for FREE. I didn't even know where my car was and didn't care because at that point I knew God had it all under control. I couldn't have felt any more blessed than I did right then...at least I didn't think I could. I have never seen a church love on someone like they have us. The only fear left was a medical emergency and if you read a few posts ago you know I just had surgery. I learned what my dear friends family meant when they said "we rally" because they did...they picked up my car and brought it home, picked up my kids, fed them, did laundry, kept them overnight, took them to school, went shopping for me and then some! I woke up after surgery to them standing around my bed that night and I couldn't have felt more loved than I did right then. My friend had stayed at the hospital with me and took care of all the little details and even called my family back home to let them know what was going on. My church then took over and delivered meals for lunch and dinner. I never asked for any of that and yet God was taking care of us in ways I never expected. God even took care of things I never thought of!!...I knew I couldn't afford much for Christmas this year. I also knew their father wasn't sending them anything either. My plan was to just keep the focus on the true meaning of Christmas....Instead of presents we would celebrate THE GIFT... I felt that my kids had already received a gift by seeing God work in our lives and answer prayers. God had a different plan and without me ever saying a word to my church they made sure my kids had an amazing Christmas and if that wasn't enough my prayer loop AND my infertility loop sent gifts for us. My kids were BEYOND blessed this year. They know that this Christmas was TOTALLY from God because Mom was busy keeping a roof over their head and I couldn't afford to go into debt for Christmas. God knew that and He provided. Isn't that amazing?? Isn't that just so God?? The best part of all of this is my kids have been talking about it and that has opened conversations about trusting God completely and with every aspect of our lives. I was able to tell them that even though moving here was hard if you seek Gods face and follow Him that He WILL take care of all the details. That is still the best gift my kids have received this year. I just hope and pray they remember this when God asks them to do something out of their comfort zone...I want them to remember 2006 not as the year that I left their father but as the year that God personally answered each one of our prayers and took care of us in ways I never asked or expected. I really am blessed and just so thankful that I serve a God that answers prayers.
Father help me to remember to count my blessings and look to the future because the past hurts too much...
Philippians 3:13-14 No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. (NLT)
Father help me to remember to count my blessings and look to the future because the past hurts too much...
Philippians 3:13-14 No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. (NLT)
Another Christmas Meme
I stole this from Paulette and needed an excuse to sit for a minute so here ya go lol
A little Christmas meme..............
What is guaranteed to make you smile over the holidays?
My children and they have already made me smile today! They are seeing the hand of God work in our lives like NEVER before and they are talking about it with each other!! I don't think there is anything that can make a Mom happier than listening to their kids say things like "wow God really IS supplying ALL of our needs" or "when we moved here I thought things would be a lot harder but God really has taken care of everything" or "why would someone do that if they have never met you?"...oh trust me my kids will NEVER forget this Christmas and how God took care of us!
What makes you weepy during the holiday?
This year? everything lol I guess most years looking at my children and their faces when they wake up on Christmas morning
How will you spend Christmas eve and Christmas day?
This year we will spend Christmas eve with a dear friend and her ILs and Christmas day with the same friend and her parents. I love them:-)
What was your most memorable Christmas and why?
Dec of 1989...it was 5 days after we got married...for those who just figured that out my 17th anniversary was yesterday and it was HARD. That Christmas was very memorable because...well, I JUST got married;-) We had a get together at my sisters house with wedding cake and everything.
Christmas letter's from friends, pro or con?
Pro I LOVE getting mail and Christmas letters rock because I get to read about the little things that happened that year. Helps to keep up with everyone:-)
In your home is Christmas more of a religous or secular observance?
Definitely religious..I have always tried to make sure the kids know what the true meaning of Christmas is and we usually have a Happy Birthday cake for Jesus. They know the Christmas story is about the birth of Jesus but the real miracle of Christmas is that the baby GREW UP:-D
What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
Come All Ye Faithful
What is your deepest prayer for the world at Christmas?
That everyone can have a close and personal relationship with Jesus. I don't know how I would have gotten through this last year without Him... I really don't...I am so beyond thankful that I serve a God that takes care of His children and loves them unconditionally.
A little Christmas meme..............
What is guaranteed to make you smile over the holidays?
My children and they have already made me smile today! They are seeing the hand of God work in our lives like NEVER before and they are talking about it with each other!! I don't think there is anything that can make a Mom happier than listening to their kids say things like "wow God really IS supplying ALL of our needs" or "when we moved here I thought things would be a lot harder but God really has taken care of everything" or "why would someone do that if they have never met you?"...oh trust me my kids will NEVER forget this Christmas and how God took care of us!
What makes you weepy during the holiday?
This year? everything lol I guess most years looking at my children and their faces when they wake up on Christmas morning
How will you spend Christmas eve and Christmas day?
This year we will spend Christmas eve with a dear friend and her ILs and Christmas day with the same friend and her parents. I love them:-)
What was your most memorable Christmas and why?
Dec of 1989...it was 5 days after we got married...for those who just figured that out my 17th anniversary was yesterday and it was HARD. That Christmas was very memorable because...well, I JUST got married;-) We had a get together at my sisters house with wedding cake and everything.
Christmas letter's from friends, pro or con?
Pro I LOVE getting mail and Christmas letters rock because I get to read about the little things that happened that year. Helps to keep up with everyone:-)
In your home is Christmas more of a religous or secular observance?
Definitely religious..I have always tried to make sure the kids know what the true meaning of Christmas is and we usually have a Happy Birthday cake for Jesus. They know the Christmas story is about the birth of Jesus but the real miracle of Christmas is that the baby GREW UP:-D
What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
Come All Ye Faithful
What is your deepest prayer for the world at Christmas?
That everyone can have a close and personal relationship with Jesus. I don't know how I would have gotten through this last year without Him... I really don't...I am so beyond thankful that I serve a God that takes care of His children and loves them unconditionally.
Still Alive
Thanks for all the emails and well wishes...I am still alive just BUSY. Oh my word it is less than a week from Christmas and I haven't even started shopping!! Also in between recovering from surgery I have still been working...no rest for the single Mom;-) Thank God tomorrow is the last day of work until Jan! Gotta LOVE Christmas vacation:-) So if I don't post it is because I am hunched over at a store trying to finish shopping...yeah standing up straight is still hard but I am getting there.
Early Christmas Gift:-)
I had my gallbladder taken out last night lol Who would have thought I would be happy to be cut on?! But seriously the after surgery pain is NOTHING compared to what I was feeling. Plus I got the wonderful gift of spending the day with a friend, flowers from my church and I got out of cooking for a few days....yeah I am reaching but I am looking for the bright side;-) Now to find time to recover so I can go Christmas shopping.
In the last 4 months...can you believe it has already been 4 months??!!...anyway, in the last 4 months I have learned so many things about Oklahoma that are different from Florida;-) Here are a few things....
Sirens at noon on Saturday are NOT a cause for alarm..there is no need to stop in the middle of the expressway screaming "what it is?"
When they say windy they MEAN windy...like hurricane force winds without the water...please hold your kids hands. Oh and BE CAREFUL opening your car doors...goodness it could get ripped from your hands!
Some days it really IS necessary to run both the a/c and heater
Dressing in layers in not a suggestion
Trying to change lanes after it snows may prove difficult and you could go straight for a LONG time...don't panic because at some point somebody else has turned and you can too
Pushing a shopping cart through a parking lot full of ice and hold your kids hands is hard...when they offer help in the store TAKE IT!
White does not always equal snow...do not traumatize kids by telling them it is snow and dragging them out in the sleet to make "snow" angels...if it hurts go back in;-)
This one I learned just this morning...do NOT try to clean your car windows with the windshield washer fluid while you are driving and it is cold...it WILL freeze and you won't be able to see out the window. You will look like an idiot trying to stick your head out the window so you don't smash into the car in front of you.
Sirens at noon on Saturday are NOT a cause for alarm..there is no need to stop in the middle of the expressway screaming "what it is?"
When they say windy they MEAN windy...like hurricane force winds without the water...please hold your kids hands. Oh and BE CAREFUL opening your car doors...goodness it could get ripped from your hands!
Some days it really IS necessary to run both the a/c and heater
Dressing in layers in not a suggestion
Trying to change lanes after it snows may prove difficult and you could go straight for a LONG time...don't panic because at some point somebody else has turned and you can too
Pushing a shopping cart through a parking lot full of ice and hold your kids hands is hard...when they offer help in the store TAKE IT!
White does not always equal snow...do not traumatize kids by telling them it is snow and dragging them out in the sleet to make "snow" angels...if it hurts go back in;-)
This one I learned just this morning...do NOT try to clean your car windows with the windshield washer fluid while you are driving and it is cold...it WILL freeze and you won't be able to see out the window. You will look like an idiot trying to stick your head out the window so you don't smash into the car in front of you.
Christmas Meme
I shamelessly stole this from "Merci"
1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider?
2. Turkey or Ham?
Ham but we usually have prime rib for Christmas
3. Do you get a fake or real-you-cut-it-yourself Christmas tree?
We have always had fake because I was worried about my oldest son's asthma.
4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
In Florida we had a lot of decorations on the outside...I like cheesy Christmas decorations so we had everything from too many lights to blow up reindeer and snowmen:-) What can I say? I like cheese;-)
5. Snowball fights or sledding?
I guess I would have to say snowball fights but we haven't been sledding so I have nothing to compare it too.
6. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?
I HATE shopping!
7. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh Come All Ye Faithful...I love the part that says come let us adore Him:-) This is what Christmas is all about...
8. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
LOVE THEM! Again I like cheese so I love the Santa movies (with Tim Allen) and Elf and Christmas Vacation and of course all the hallmark ones that make me cry lol
9. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
Before Thanksgiving:-P Usually after Thanksgiving dinner is cleaned up I want Christmas music playing and the tree going up. I LOVE this time of year!
10. Stockings before or after presents?
We have done both
11. Carolers, do you or do you not watch and listen to them?
I used to love doing this with the church I grew up in...I love hearing music so I enjoy listening to them
12. Go to someone else's house or they come to you?
We have done both but this year we are going to someone else's house
13. Do you read the Christmas Story? If so when?
Yes and on Christmas Eve
14. What do you do after presents and dinner?
Put Christmas stuff away....I am tired of it by now:-)
15. What is your favorite holiday smell?
The smells of goodies baking
16. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
Never been ice skating and I hate shopping
17. Do you open a present or presents on Christmas Eve, or wait until Christmas Day?
I like giving them new jammies on Christmas Eve so they look cute for Christmas pictures on Christmas morning;)
18. Favorite Christmas memory?
Loading the kids up in the van and picking up Starbucks and driving around to look at lights...I love looking at lights on a cold night with my venti white chocolate mocha with soy and no whip please. I don't have a special memory of just Christmas because every year there is something new that I love and want to remember forever.
19. Favorite part about winter?
This year? SNOW!
20. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Of course!
1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider?
2. Turkey or Ham?
Ham but we usually have prime rib for Christmas
3. Do you get a fake or real-you-cut-it-yourself Christmas tree?
We have always had fake because I was worried about my oldest son's asthma.
4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
In Florida we had a lot of decorations on the outside...I like cheesy Christmas decorations so we had everything from too many lights to blow up reindeer and snowmen:-) What can I say? I like cheese;-)
5. Snowball fights or sledding?
I guess I would have to say snowball fights but we haven't been sledding so I have nothing to compare it too.
6. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?
I HATE shopping!
7. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh Come All Ye Faithful...I love the part that says come let us adore Him:-) This is what Christmas is all about...
8. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
LOVE THEM! Again I like cheese so I love the Santa movies (with Tim Allen) and Elf and Christmas Vacation and of course all the hallmark ones that make me cry lol
9. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
Before Thanksgiving:-P Usually after Thanksgiving dinner is cleaned up I want Christmas music playing and the tree going up. I LOVE this time of year!
10. Stockings before or after presents?
We have done both
11. Carolers, do you or do you not watch and listen to them?
I used to love doing this with the church I grew up in...I love hearing music so I enjoy listening to them
12. Go to someone else's house or they come to you?
We have done both but this year we are going to someone else's house
13. Do you read the Christmas Story? If so when?
Yes and on Christmas Eve
14. What do you do after presents and dinner?
Put Christmas stuff away....I am tired of it by now:-)
15. What is your favorite holiday smell?
The smells of goodies baking
16. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
Never been ice skating and I hate shopping
17. Do you open a present or presents on Christmas Eve, or wait until Christmas Day?
I like giving them new jammies on Christmas Eve so they look cute for Christmas pictures on Christmas morning;)
18. Favorite Christmas memory?
Loading the kids up in the van and picking up Starbucks and driving around to look at lights...I love looking at lights on a cold night with my venti white chocolate mocha with soy and no whip please. I don't have a special memory of just Christmas because every year there is something new that I love and want to remember forever.
19. Favorite part about winter?
This year? SNOW!
20. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Of course!
Tired Ramblings
I just came home from a wonderful night out with my church family...I am tired and feeling a little emotional but not in a bad way so I thought I would ramble on here...feel free to ignore me because I really should be sleeping lol I have seriously done something every night this week and I am EXHAUSTED! Ok so for those who have asked how I am doing emotionally here ya go......
This Road
A million miles away from anything familiar
A million miles away from anything familiar
a thousand places I would rather be
so I choke back the tears and try to find the bright side
though I find it hard to see beyond my suffering
in my heart I know your plan is so much bigger
but this small part is all that I can see
and I believe you haven't left me here to wander
still I can't help but ponder where you're leading me
and I ask why this road
why this way
and this load
tell me how far must I go till I see
till I know why this road
A million miles away from anything familiar
what was it like to be so far from home
though you came in love
the world misunderstood you
there must have been some days when you felt so alone
but you endured, cause there was joy before you
joy that came because you sacrificed
Since you gave yourself just to spend forever with me
surely I can trust you'll lead me through my darkest times
when I ask why....
From here I can not see
why you'd choose this path for me
but I don't have to understand to believe
that you know why
You know why this road
why this way and this load
you know how far I must go till I see
till I know why this road
When I moved here I listened to this song and thought it summed my feelings up pretty well...I KNEW this is where I was supposed to be but that didn't help me understand why or make it hurt less...I felt so alone at times and I wondered why a LOT. All I ever wanted was to be a wife and mother but my marriage was beyond saving....trust me I tried:*( I wasn't sure what the plan was but I am confident I am in God's will and He would make a way. I came completely on faith and without a job...you have to know you are in Gods will to do that! I had 3 children that I knew I would have to take care of alone but God opened doors and I had a job the day after they started school. A job that would allow me to be a full time parent and they wouldn't be alone or in daycare. That was a blessing. I also found a church within a month of moving here that has just blessed my socks off as my dear friend would say:-) I don't think I have personally been THIS happy in a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNG time. Still I was worried about the holidays and how hard they would be this year but so far I just feel blessed. I even celebrated a birthday yesterday as a single Mom and I got more than one cake;-) Sure I hurt at times but I am getting to a point where I am looking more at the future and less at the past and that has to be a good thing. I am growing so much closer to the Lord through all of this because He is all I have and I KNOW that is a good thing:-) I can't believe how much has happened in the last 4 months or how much *I* have changed. This Christmas won't be a huge toy fest like the ones before but my kids can tell you they have seen God's hand at work in our lives and THAT is the best gift I could ever give them. They have seen God work and they won't forget that anytime soon...So this Christmas we will celebrate THE GIFT...the reason for the season....this Christmas our gifts won't come from Toys R Us or with pretty packages and bows but will be about the One who is the greatest gift of all. I can't wait to celebrate this year with my children focusing on the true meaning of Christmas.

Boys lol
Tonight we are having dinner and my dd is telling us about her day...she has this thing for reading ONLY non-fiction books and she likes to tell us ALL about them:-)
Here is the conversation
DD-C did you know that Uranus is a gas giant?
C and B- :::::burst out laughing::::
B-Yeah C your anus is full of gas
DD-it is! Mom will you tell them uranus is a gas giant??
C-Yeah Mom tell us your anus is giant:::evil grin::::
It took everything not to laugh...gotta love kids:-P
Here is the conversation
DD-C did you know that Uranus is a gas giant?
C and B- :::::burst out laughing::::
B-Yeah C your anus is full of gas
DD-it is! Mom will you tell them uranus is a gas giant??
C-Yeah Mom tell us your anus is giant:::evil grin::::
It took everything not to laugh...gotta love kids:-P
Snow in Pictures
Before we moved here THIS was the only kind of snowflake my kids had ever seen:-) This is a prized possession of my dd from her Auntie

I was dying to see snow...I really was hoping it would snow when I came to visit in January but it was warm when I came
I finally got my wish and it came all the way to my front door:-)
My cat thought that was cool and she would eat it lol
My dog didn't know what to think!
My kids LOVED it...well, after it became real snow;-)
The boys immediately had a snowball fight
My dd wanted to make snow angels...not to be confused with the sleet angels we made yesterday:-P
It really snowed!! Look at all of that snow!!

I am going stir crazy...imagine 3 kids in a little apt...wait 3 kids with LOTS of energy in a little apt BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DRIVE IN THIS????







My dd wanted to make snow angels...not to be confused with the sleet angels we made yesterday:-P


I am going stir crazy...imagine 3 kids in a little apt...wait 3 kids with LOTS of energy in a little apt BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DRIVE IN THIS????

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