WOW how eye opening is this???!!!
Because I am practical
Yeah I am that girl...I am the one that will do a happy dance for a vacuum cleaner! I am the person who will spend Christmas Eve day helping clean someones house because I enjoy it!
This morning has been such a blessing to me and not because of the things we got but because what today is we celebrate the birth of MY Savior:-) Is there really a better gift??
I also got to watch my children open gifts that they picked up for each other. Honestly I hadn't even seen them till this morning!! My dear friend that LOVES shopping (thank you Cheryl!!) wanted to take my kids one on one to the store to shop. She spent an ENTIRE Saturday doing it! I am not kidding!! She was gone almost 11 hrs on a Saturday with an air cast!!! I only gave her $200 to shop with and I am pretty sure she blew that budget!! If you are reading...we need to talk;-)The coolest thing is they picked out gifts for each other and for me! And they are just such thoughtful gifts!! They were hugging every time...oh I think I have pics!! Anyway, they had the best time!! In a couple of years they won't remember the gifts they received but they will remember the shopping and wrapping and the time spent with our "family"...we have already done Christmas twice and we still have one more place to go for dinner. I am so blessed and so thankful that God is the center of our home. I am so thankful for my children and their attitude of gratitude. They know God has provided us with every thing we have and they are as thankful as I am...THAT is a gift!
Christmas Came Early!!
Look what my friends bought my kids for Christmas!!!
Ok so I knew about their surprise so I was just thrilled to see their faces...BUT here is MY surprise!! I had NO CLUE about this one!!
This is what it was!! Omword I have wanted one of these!!!
I think I am more excited than the kids...ok maybe not because I am on here blogging and they are hooking it up to play lol I can't wait to try it!!!
Oh my! I don't even know what to say...I would like to thank my friends and all the people that made this possible...nah I can't even think to even play around lol I was totally in shock when the lovely Dana at Are We There Yet? gave me this award:-) I am humbled that she sees those things in me!! You can all be jealous because we have met IRL!! Ain't I blessed?? (Yeah I said ain't)We have had dinner and coffee AND she has been to my house...actually it was when I lived in my apartment and I have moved since then...Hey Dana we need to get together again!!
Anyway, I am not sure the rules for this but I guess I pass it along to someone I think has a brilliant blog......sooooo the choice was EASY and I am gonna say Jesica because she IS brilliant!! She is one of the most courageous people I know. She is fighting ovarian cancer and WILL WIN because I SAID SO and that makes it law...just ask my kids;-) She is down to earth and real and I love her with all my heart! So go see her and tell her Barbie said HI! Thanks again Dana..I think you are pretty kind too!