

I am so beyond overwhelmed with the what ifs and our future that I am going to step back and take a break from blogging...I will update about my son for those who are praying. Before I go I want ya'll to know that I DO know that God is still God. I also know that being a single Mom is hard and lonely at times. I think Dr James Dobson answered it best here so I won't even try to explain....What encouragement can you offer to those of us who are single parents?
I think what people don't understand is that we are still human and God created us with the need for others. Adam had everything but God still created Eve so that Adam wasn't lonely...wouldn't it make sense that HE created us with this need? I think sometimes people forget that and think that we should be totally ok alone and just "trust God"...Don't get me wrong I DO trust God with everything in me but there are times I go to bed and cry myself to sleep because I have a LOT going on.....there are times I need to hear another adults voice after spending my days and nights with just kids...there are times I need others to just listen or pray with me...that doesn't mean *I* am lacking in faith. I am hurting right now and I am just so sick of hearing about how I should be coping...In Romans 12:15 the Bible says

15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

It doesn't say tell them how they should mourn or give them advice on how to lean on God. It simply says mourn with them. I guess what I am trying to get across is just imagine you have had a horrible day or you got horrible news and you share with your dh and he turns around and says "oh just trust God...you know He has a plan and works all things out for good" when all you really needed was a hug...how would you feel? Or imagine you are a teenager and you go to your parents and they say "just lean on God"....well, that is how I feel. I feel like because I am single I am expected to not have feelings anymore. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone other than me but I think a simple "I am sorry" would have been best. I guess in a perfect world....


mamabeck said...

Oh, hon...wish I could be there to give you an IRL hug and buy you a coffee...
Maybe in December, as I'll be right around the corner! ;)

Praying you through this valley! Update as you can!!!

Anonymous said...

I understand ... oh, how I understand. People don't really want to help ... they want to appease the place inside them that tells them they should be helping someone else. If they wanted to help, they would come into your life, where you are, and be with you where you are. You articulated this so well.

Before you head off, would you mind posting this on The Covering? THIS is exactly why I began The Covering.

Anonymous said...

Praying and praying some more.Thinking about times when all I could pray is Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy, and praising God that he is listening even when all our prayers are summed up in the Holy Spirit groaning within us. Too far away for hugs and a shoulder but let me know if there is anything I can do.

Anonymous said...

I'll continue praying. I am glad you're being so honest with your feelings - I pray it gets across to those that thinks spouting "Christianese" is the best way to support someone in crisis. And I thank you for reminding me how to be a true help and support in times of need.

Robin said...

Keep us updated. Praying.

singlechristianman said...

Your comment in the post about "mourning with those who mourn" is meaningful. When my ex left, her brother, who went to our church, came to me and wept while holding me -- of the few instances of being "supported" as a single (man) going through a divorce in a very family oriented church. This still five years later stands out to me as a Grace-filled act and one that helped me stand up and see straight. I think the reason we don't know how to "mourn with those who mourn" is because we have a kind of "assembly line" mindset in the way we do church... people file in...get the same treatment...file out...etc."

Keep putting those roots down. Walk in forgiveness towards anyone and everyone, but receive crap from no one.

Dancing was therapeutic for me when I got around to it after a few years, and still is; though I do it now to meet women now rather than for therapy. Some of my christian friends don't know what to make of it, but I frankly say that it satisfies the need for touch - a kind of forbidden subject - and in fact makes the walk in holiness easier rather than harder.